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Our ambitions and goals

The Papageno Foundation is continously developing and innovating. Our ambitions for the future are that:

  • Children and young people with autism develop their social skills and other talents as best as possible
  • With the right guidance and in a stimulating environment, young people with autism can develop into happy adults, as independent as possible
  • The diagnosis of autism is made as early as possible, so that adequate guidance can be provided in a timely manner
  • We contribute to a more neuro-inclusive society

To achieve this, we want to open more Papageno Houses in the Netherlands, where we also welcome parents with (young) children with (suspected) autism to enable support at an early stage.

We are working on a further expansion of the number of Papageno Music Therapists and we are developing Papageno Dito that brings young people with autism into contact with like-minded people (with and without autism) based on mutual interests.

Papageno Houses
At the Moment there are two Papageno Houses in the Netherlands: Papageno House Laren and Papageno House Fryslân. Young people with autism live in these houses and there are daytime experience places in the catering industry, art, sports and IT. The young people live and learn here in a safe and stimulating environment. Volunteers, visitors and care workers help young people thrive in a place where the outside world comes in, giving them maximum opportunity to develop. We are looking into new locations to achieve national coverage.

Papageno Music Therapy
Papageno Music therapy formed the basis of Papageno and around 8,000 children with autism have now benefited from this scientifically proven effective approach. About 20 Papageno Music Therapists guide children at home and help them to strengthen their social skills by working with musical instruments.

The Papageno Foundation closely follows all developments in the field of autism. She is assisted in this by the Scientific Council. With the support of this Council, we are conducting research into the effectiveness of the approach in the Papageno Houses. Manna Alma, senior researcher at Applied Health Research at the UMCG, is developing a methodology to structurally monitor the effectiveness of the approach.

Management en Governance
Ann Gummels, managing director Chantal van Schaik, management assistant Evelyn Prohn, fundraising and events

Governance Stichting Papageno
Aaltje van Zweden – van Buuren, honorary chairman
Jaap van Zweden, honorary chairman
drs. Hans den Hollander, chairman
mr. Onno Boerstra, secretary
prof. dr. Rob Cornelisse, treasurer
prof. dr. Angela Maas, boardmember

Committee of Recommendation
H.H. Princess Annette van Orange
mr. Martine van Loon - Labouchere
Sylvia C. Tóth
Guus Hiddink
prof. dr. dr. Erik Scherder
prof. dr. René Kahn

Advisory Board
mr. Nathalie Aalbers
prof. dr. Gabriël Anthonio
mr. Niels Onkenhout
Thijs Merks MSc BBA
Cees de Jong
drs. Kees-Jan Rozestraten
Henny van Kooten
Marijke Foudraine

Lucas en Arthur Jussen
Guus Meeuwis Representanten
drs. Anita Sijstermans, apotheker
Edwin Kennedy MBA

Scientific Council
prof. dr. Sander Begeer
prof. dr. Wouter Staal
prof. dr. Hilgo Bruining
Dr. Kirsten Greaves
Dr. Manna Alma

The Papageno Foundation is a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI). This means that donations are tax exempt and that we can invest everything you give us in helping children and young people with autism.

Papageno Fund ANBI Foundation
Stationsweg 2, 1251 KC Laren This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
RSIN Papageno Fund Foundation: 8084.61.862
Chamber of Commerce 41216810
VAT: 851042909B

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